Future Squared Episode #175: Peak Performance with Brad Stulberg

August 26, 2023

Future Squared Episode #175: Peak Performance with Brad Stulberg

Brad Stulberg writes about health and the science of human performance. He is a columnist with Outside Magazine and New York Magazine and has also written for Forbes, NPR, The Los Angeles Times, Runner’s World, and The Huffington Post.   Brad is widely known for his ability to merge the latest science with compelling personal stories, offering readers practical insights that they can apply in their own lives.   

Brad is the co-author of Peak Performance – Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success, which bestselling author Adam Grant calls a transfixing read and Arianna Huffington called an essential playbook for success and happiness.   

The book combines inspiring stories of top performers across a range of domains – from athletic to intellectual to artistic – with the latest science on the cognitive, neurochemical, and physiological factors that underlie mastery. In doing so, Peak Performance uncovers unique and powerful insights that can help you take your game to the next level, whatever your game may be.   

Previously, Brad worked as a consultant for McKinsey and Company, where he counseled some of the world’s top executives on a broad range of issues.   

This was the second time we recorded this conversation with Brad, because the first hour plus conversation we had fell victim to technical difficulties in the manifestation of a corrupt audio file and yes, I should have and always record backups of my conversations and it just so happened that the one time I didn’t, lightning struck….

Brad however was kind enough to give make another 40 minutes free to re-record the chat and I tried to cram as much value as possible into a tighter window so you might find me jumping around quite a bit and trying to go an inch deep and a mile wide in this conversation. 

As such, expect to learn a lot of things, including: 

A simple equation that you can use to support your growth 

What the world’s number one performance enhancer is; 

and How to silence technology’s demands on our attention so that we can get into the kind of deep focus work that can create more value in four hours than in 12 hours of shallow, interrupted work  

All topics discussed:

Peak Performance, the book Body and Mind: a false dichotomy 

The growth equation 

Agile project management

Ideation and brainstorming


How to thrive in the moment 

How to get into flow and do deep work 

Productivity hacks 

The power of purpose Priming techniques 

Nootropics and smart drugs 

Mindfulness and meditation 

The importance of rest   

Show notes: 

Get the book on Amazon at amazon.com/Peak-Performance-El…ience/dp/162336793X 

Book website: Peakperformancebook.net 

Learn more at www.bradstulberg.com 

Twitter: @Bstulberg

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Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski is the CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus which he established to help companies and their employees to create more meaningful impact in the world in an age of rapid change and increasing uncertainty. Steve also founded Lemonade Stand – a children’s entrepreneurship program, wrote the Innovation Manager’s Handbook vol 1 and 2, hosts Future², an iTunes chart topping podcast on corporate innovation and entrepreneurship and is a keynote speaker. He previously founded HOTDESK, an office sharing platform and has worked for the likes of Westpac, Dun & Bradstreet, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Macquarie Bank. Follow him at @steveglaveski and Book a free 15-minute call with Steve to talk through your innovation objectives.

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