How to Evaluate Startups for Corporate Partnerships

December 18, 2023

How to Evaluate Startups for Corporate Partnerships

In the past three years, Collective Campus has been home to more than 50 startups that have gone on to raise over US$13M.

We’ve run multiple accelerator programs with companies from the legal services, technology, real estate and entertainment sectors and we’ve observed a massive upswing in the number of large organisations exploring different ways (here’s eight) to partner with startups.

From corporate accelerator programs to reverse pitching and setting up venture funds, in each of these cases executives need a method to decide which startups to work with.

And it’s a decision not to be left to senior executives and their own devices as oftentimes that’s likely to result in evaluating the startups through the lens of a big corporate (how can we use this today? How big is the market today? How has this worked before? Is this a sure thing?).

For more on the difference between corporates and startups and why they should be approached differently check out Corporates are from Venus, Startups are from Mars.

To best make decisions, you need a framework to help you along the journey.

Find below a snapshot of the criteria we turn to at Collective Campus to help us evaluate startups for corporate partnerships.

For more on Corporate Startup Partnerships, check out our 101 on the topic here!

Innovate or die.

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Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski is the CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus which he established to help companies and their employees to create more meaningful impact in the world in an age of rapid change and increasing uncertainty. Steve also founded Lemonade Stand – a children’s entrepreneurship program, wrote the Innovation Manager’s Handbook vol 1 and 2, hosts Future², an iTunes chart topping podcast on corporate innovation and entrepreneurship and is a keynote speaker. He previously founded HOTDESK, an office sharing platform and has worked for the likes of Westpac, Dun & Bradstreet, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Macquarie Bank. Follow him at @steveglaveski and Book a free 15-minute call with Steve to talk through your innovation objectives.

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