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We are the proud hosts of the Melbourne Java and JVM Users Groups.
“The MelbJVM group discusses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Topics covered are frameworks and languages on the platform.
Many of our members are software developers using the Java language and looking to find out what’s new, and what they can bring to their own projects, bringing up to date techniques and software technologies to the perennial development platform.
Some of our past topics to illustrate this:-
Hardware interop with LeapMotion and RasberryPi
Lambda workshop (Java 8)
Deploying webapps to the cloud and QoS (Cloudbees,
Buildtools (Gradle)
Enterprise/Web frameworks (Spring, Vert.x, JavaEE, Grails, Stripes, Play 2 with Akka)
Testing frameworks (Geb, JBehave) and Katas
Our members range from those new to programming, students and testers looking to move into development, all the way to those who have been using Java since it was called Oak (did you even know Java used to be called Oak?).
Membership is free. It costs nothing to attend most nights thanks to the generosity of oursponsors. We meet once a month in the CBD.
Whether you are developing on the JVM or just curious to see what its like, and regardless if you are based in Melbourne or just stopping through please register, we’d be happy to have you. Look forward to seeing you at a future meetup!”
Click the RSVP Now button to find out when the next meetup is.