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Tech Crash Course for Non-Tech Co-Founders

Sometimes it feels like tech co-founders and non-tech co-founders are speaking completely different languages

While it’s definitely not a requirement for founders to have technical expertise, every startup needs a techy. However, for non-tech co-founders, it can be daunting trying to understand, let alone help manage, the tech side. Code, prototyping, agile, kanban boards – they can all seem like trying to understand a foreign language.

Our tech crash-course will be all about understanding your tech co-founder. While it’s not a non-tech co-founder’s job to get hands-on with coding, a strong fundamental understanding of what you tech co-founder does and bridging and gaps in communication. Not only is this communication vital to success of your startup, it will often fall to you to translate the technical things your company is doing into a language your customers can understand.

Some of the things we’ll be teaching:

  • A high level understanding of product management
  • Understanding and optimising a developer’s workflow, and how the cogs speak to each other
  • What dev stacks, APIs and key technologies used are

+ more! 

So if you’re a non-tech co-founder working with a tech co-founder, or you’re from a non-technical background wanting to build a startup, this class will give you the confidence to help build a tech-driven startup without understanding a line of code! 


Steve Glaveski

What to Bring

Paper & pen


Collective Campus

1/20 Queen St, Melbourne 3000

  • 10:00 AM – 02:00 PM Saturday, 16 July 2023

  • Early Bird: $99

    General: $149

  • ');

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