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Intro to Enterprise Innovation

An overview of enterprise innovation fundamentals supported by real-world case studies

Why Large Companies Can’t Innovate

What’s striking about Fast Company’s 2013 list of the world’s 50 most innovative companies is the relative absence of large, established firms. Instead the list is dominated by the big technology winners of the past 20 years that have built innovation into their DNA (Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Microsoft), and a lot of smaller, newer start-ups. The main exceptions are Target, Coca Cola, Corning, Ford, and Nike (the company that topped the list). 

In this one-hour introductory workshop, you will receive an overview of enterprise innovation fundamentals supported by real-world case studies and hands-on activities and discussion opportunities to stimulate understanding.  

“Focus is scary—until you realize that it only means turning your back on markets you could never have anyway. Sharp focus on jobs that customers are trying to get done holds the promise of greatly improving the odds of success in new-product development.” – Clayton Christensen, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard University and author of award-winning book, The Innovator’s Dilemma. 

During this introduction class, you will get:

  • An overview of the five key reasons why large companies fail to innovate and methods to to best circumvent them
  • An appreciation for disruptive innovation execution strategies and an overview of litmus tests to help identify potentially disruptive innovations and aid investment decision making
  • A comprehensive overview of enterprise innovation fundamentals backed by real-world case studies and hands-on activities

There are currently no future dates scheduled for this workshop. However, if you are interested, press the ‘Follow’ button to keep updated on future dates. Want us to come to you? Get in touch with us!


Steve Glaveski

What to Bring

Pad and Pen


Collective Campus

1/20 Queen St, Melbourne 3000

  • Future Dates TBA

  • ');

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