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Disrupt the Public Sector

As part of the Victorian Government’s Innovation Month 2016, Collective Campus is hosting a half-day conference called Disrupt the Public Sector.


We’ve grown accustomed to steadily falling prices and/or a better quality of products in many aspects of our lives. Be it transport (Uber, GoGet), accommodation (Airbnb), telecommunications (smartphones, Skype, call costs), music consumption (Spotify, iTunes), movie and television consumption (Netflix) and air travel (Jetstar) to name just a few examples.

Most other business and consumer goods have followed suit – this comes down to a focus on truly disruptive innovation.

However, in Government, prices have kept increasing and it is debatable as to whether performance has increased with it.

The public sector is not incapable of innovation – it innovates every day. However, most of its innovation tends to be focused on sustaining, incremental innovations, the types of innovation that drives prices upward.

Without embracing truly disruptive innovation, which by its nature is essentially cheaper and better performing over time, the cost of Government’s provision of services is likely to keep rising.


10:00 – 11:00 : Panel Talk – How can Government Move at the Speed of Light

Join us for a morning panel talk featuring thought leaders on disruptive innovation, startups, and government employees.

11:00 – 12:00 : Starting Change – Using Technology to Help Serve Citizens Better

Mike Ebinum, co-founder and technology director of SEED Digital will give a talk on how technology adoption can help government agencies and improve engagement with citizens.

12:00 – 1:00 : Intro to Agile for Government

Steve Glaveski, co-founder of Collective Campus will give a workshop on The Lean Startup and how that can be applied to support an Agile Government.



Collective Campus

1/20 Queen St, Melbourne 3000

  • Wednesday, 27th July 10:00 AM – 01:00 PM

  • Free

  • ');

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