In this episode of the Future² podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with New York native and one of the most influential CMOs in the world, Ted Rubin.
Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker and Brand Evangelist and evangelized the term ROR: Return on Relationship™, a concept he believes is the cornerstone for building an engaged multi-million member database, many of whom are vocal advocates for the brand.
Many people in the social media world know Ted for his enthusiastic, energetic and undeniably personal connection to people. Ted is the most followed CMO on Twitter according to Social Media Marketing Magazine; one of the most interesting CMOs on Twitter according to Say Media, #13 on Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers, and number #2 on the Leadtail list of Top 25 People Most Mentioned by digital marketers. ROR is the basis of his philosophy…It’s All About Relationships!
His book, Return on Relationship, was released in 2013, and How To Look People in the Eye Digitally in 2015.
Ted has a deep online background beginning in 1997 working with best selling author, entrepreneur and agent of change Seth Godin at Yoyodyne, which was acquired in 1998 by Yahoo!
We discussed a number of topics, including:- Customer Experience in 2016- Return on Relationship- Looking People in the Eye Digitally- The Age of Influence, how ANYBODY can become influential without leaving their house- Balancing pressure to cut costs, automate and offshore with increasing customer service expectations- How Social Media is NOT about screaming marketing messages from from the tree-tops- Tools to help you build and nurture ROR- Empowering Your Employees to Increase ROR- We also talked about some of our favourite books and philosophised a little on life towards the end of the show
Show Notes:- For find out a little bit more about Ted, download some thought leadership of his or to pick up a copy of his books head to and Search for ‘Twitter Basics’ at to find out some of the tools that Ted Rubin and his team uses to build ROR- To download ‘The 12 Most Important Ways to Build a Return on Relationship’ head to
If you’ve got any questions on this podcast feel free to send an email [email protected]
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