Future Squared Episode #145: Brad Feld on Corporate Innovation, Building Startup Ecosystems and Techstars Adelaide

May 20, 2023

Future Squared Episode #145: Brad Feld on Corporate Innovation, Building Startup Ecosystems and Techstars Adelaide

Brad Feld has been an early stage investor and entrepreneur since 1987. Prior to co-founding venture capital firm Foundry Group, he co-founded Mobius Venture Capital and, prior to that, founded Intensity Ventures. Brad is also a co-founder of Techstars, the global startup accelerator program that has incubated over 1,000 startups since inception that have collectively raised US$3.3B.

In addition to his investing efforts, Brad has been active with several non-profit organizations. He currently is chair of the National Center for Women & Information Technology and on the boards of Path Forward, the Kauffman Fellows, and Defy Ventures.

Brad is a writer and speaker on the topics of venture capital investing and entrepreneurship. He’s written a number of books as part of the Startup Revolution series and writes the blogs Feld Thoughts and Venture Deals.

Brad holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Management Science from MIT. Brad is also an art collector and long-distance runner. He has completed 24 marathons as part of his mission to finish a marathon in each of the 50 states.

Brad provided a wealth of knowledge in the 50 or so minutes of time he was gracious enough to invest, but there were so many more questions I wanted to ask him on a number of topics so I’ll try and tee up a follow up interview in a few months time.

In the interim, please enjoy what I hope will be part 1 of my interview with Brad Feld, recorded between 1 and 2am Melbourne time, so if I didn’t sound like I was 100% on top of my game, despite cranking out 100 pushups and downing an espresso before this interview, you now know why.

Nonetheless, Brad brought the value bombs so please enjoy, the one and only, Brad Feld!—-Topics Covered:Techstars AdelaideThe Australian startup ecosystemWhat makes for a successful corporate acceleratorThe trend of large organisations paying massive premiums for startups to offset their corporate innovation woesWhy being “the next Silicon Valley” does a disservice to Silicon Valley and the city making such bold proclamationsBrad’s book, Venture DealsThe #GiveFirst philosophyDepression in the startup ecosystemThe digital SabbathShow Notes:Feld Thoughts: Feld.comFoundrygroup.comTechstars.comTwitter: @bfeldBrad’s books on Amazon

Listen on iTunes: goo.gl/sMnEa0 Listen on Stitcher: www.stitcher.com/podcast/future

If you’ve got any questions on this podcast feel free to send an email to [email protected] or tweet me on Twitter @steveglaveski or @future_squared

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Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski is the CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus which he established to help companies and their employees to create more meaningful impact in the world in an age of rapid change and increasing uncertainty. Steve also founded Lemonade Stand – a children’s entrepreneurship program, wrote the Innovation Manager’s Handbook vol 1 and 2, hosts Future², an iTunes chart topping podcast on corporate innovation and entrepreneurship and is a keynote speaker. He previously founded HOTDESK, an office sharing platform and has worked for the likes of Westpac, Dun & Bradstreet, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Macquarie Bank. Follow him at @steveglaveski and Book a free 15-minute call with Steve to talk through your innovation objectives.

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