Future Squared Episode #135: Profit First with "Motorbike" Mike Michalowicz

April 15, 2023

Future Squared Episode #135: Profit First with "Motorbike" Mike Michalowicz

By his 35th birthday Mike Michalowicz had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor… and proceeded to lose his entire fortune.

Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First” formula, a simple and extremely effective ways for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward.

Mike is now running his third million dollar venture, Profit First Professionals , is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal; is the former MSNBC business make-over expert; is a popular keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, which BusinessWeek deemed “the entrepreneur’s cult classic.”

Mike is also a guest lecturer for collegiate entrepreneurial programs such as Babson, Boston College, Columbia, Copenhagen Business School, Emerson, Harvard, Penn State, Pepperdine and Princeton. His books are in the core curriculum for entrepreneur students at Pepperdine, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford University, and universities across the country.

Topics Covered:- 80s hair bands m/- Lessons learned from building two multi-million dollar businesses and losing the lot- Mike’s new book, Profit First- The profit first formula: Sales – Profit = Expenses- 4 simple principles for managing money and putting profit first- Why this flies in the face of “you’ve got to spend money to make money” and how to strike a balance- Why raising funding is not indicative of startup success- Why small profitable business can be worth much more than a large business surviving at its top line- Putting profit first in enterprise- 3 Sheets of paper to you need to launch and grow a business

Show Notes:1) Mike’s website: www.mikemichalowicz.com/ 2) Mike’s facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeMichalowiczFanPage3) Mike’s Twitter: twitter.com/#!/MikeMichalowicz 4) Profit First Book: www.profitfirst.com 5) Mike’s other books:www.mikemichalowicz.com/books/

If you’ve got any questions on this podcast feel free to send an email to [email protected] or tweet me on Twitter @steveglaveski or @future_squared

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Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski is the CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus which he established to help companies and their employees to create more meaningful impact in the world in an age of rapid change and increasing uncertainty. Steve also founded Lemonade Stand – a children’s entrepreneurship program, wrote the Innovation Manager’s Handbook vol 1 and 2, hosts Future², an iTunes chart topping podcast on corporate innovation and entrepreneurship and is a keynote speaker. He previously founded HOTDESK, an office sharing platform and has worked for the likes of Westpac, Dun & Bradstreet, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Macquarie Bank. Follow him at @steveglaveski and Book a free 15-minute call with Steve to talk through your innovation objectives.

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